Friday 4 March 2011

Research into the human nature of premonitions

I believe that it would be of value to research into the very nature of the human being when effected by premonition experiences. It is of my own knowledge that a premonition sprouts from Extra Sensory Perceptive abilities. Many with a higher depth of knowledge of such would refer to these as Clairsentience, which is another type of extrasensory perception in that clairsentient people can sense past, present, or future events through “sensing” them, though non-clairsentient people cannot perceive them.

Here is the very real claims of the paranormal community about premoniton experiences : 

My 41 yr old daughter has premonitions of someone’s death: She smells fresh dirt/earth. This has been happening since she was a teenager. Of course, she didn’t correlate waking up, smelling dirt with anyone’s death. She did take notice that each time she actually did awaken from smelling fresh dirt, someone died.
Over the years, she gets approximately 3 to 4 days notice that someone is going to die. It’s always someone in the family, or a close friend of the family. It doesn’t happen when it’s outside of the family or people that she barely knew.
Today she called me, in tears. She’d been awakened 4 days ago, smelling fresh dirt. She knew someone was going to die. Two days ago, the smell woke her up and it was so strong, as if it were being pushed in her face. Her father-in-law died this AM. She’s never dreamt of it twice in a row… but… being it was her own father-in-law, it happened twice in one week.
She wants it to go away. We have no explanation as to why this happens, but it sure does. Just makes her sick when it happens.
She’s called me in the past, asking “are you OK?” Of course, it’s because she had “the dream”. When I reassure her that I’m OK, she’ll then call her Dad, and her closest friends, etc. This terrifies her, and with good reason. It’s never failed. It’s always happened within a week of the dream… someone close dies.

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