Friday 18 February 2011


This story is about the day of a young man, he starts his day quite regularly by waking up, eating his breakfast and leaving his house. When he walking down the street he has flash backs to a time to when a girl had rejected him. He then proceeds to a forest where the girl he was rejected by is sitting with friends. In a rage he brutally murders one the girls and then proceeds to throw her body into a river. He runs and when he closes the door behind him, it goes back to the start shot him waking up, the audience then realize that this was all a dream when he wakes up and proceeds to the bathroom he notices his hands are bloodstained. There is a shot of the actor washing the blood off his hands. (Then there is a possible shot from outside the bathroom and a hand drops out holding knife covered in blood.) 
Intro shots
Waking and putting on a dressing gown
Feet walking down stairs 
Eating breakfast
Skip to fully dressed leaving the house 
Closing the door
Mid-shot walking down the street 
Skips to forest/park walking through the entrance
Girls walk towards actor- actor hides from view
Hand held camera shot through the bushes focusing on group of girls 

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