Tuesday 8 February 2011

Sound And Music Within Films

As each member of our group is a fan of horror films, and as a result of a vast amount of research into this genre for our Media task, we have each came across a great collection of first class soundtracks. We all agree that the soundtrack to any movie is very important, but we find that it is especially important in the horror theme. It is what is associated with the movie long after the viewer has left the cinema. As a result we have the attitude that we would like to achieve a impressive, captivating soundtrack. Therefore we have decided that to achieve this high level of originality and to capture the viewers attention as best as we can, that it is most beneficial for us to work on our own soundtrack, from scratch. This version is available in an earlier post on this blog, however below are some examples of existing soundtracks that we found particularly helpful and inspirational.

(We are especially fond of the last video, we find its high pace and quick intensity very effective.)

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