Monday 21 February 2011

A day of filming

Our media film has so far taken just two days to film, however the first say did not produce much footage that we could use, however as we mentioned previously in our blog we did learn from this and our filming was better as a result of it. So throughout our second day of filming we achieved the brunt of our footage. We intended to achieve as much as possible considering the outside factors that disabled us from filming i.e weather, part time jobs, school, availability of actors. This meant a lot of concentration and hard work to ensure we achieved our full potential and availed of the valuable day of filming. We decided the best way to do this was to have a early start, we arranged to meet at 9AM on one of the days we were off school for mid term break. After everyone had arrived we proceeded to walk to our filming destination, which proved to be difficult as a result of mud and rain! When we arrived we decided upon exact location and briefed our actors to ensure they knew exactly what they were doing to ensure no time was wasted. 
We arranged our scenes in order of difficulty so that we could achieve the most technical shots first and end with the easier ones. This proved effective and we achieved all our desired shots, however upon returning to school it was made evident that we had to fix two shots, the first (the murder scene) we agreed was too short, as we wanted it to be long, effective and the most memorable shot of the film, and then the second was a unnoticed continuity error, a reflection of a camera in a mirrored surface. We plan to hopefully make an addition to the murder scene and re take the second shot in the same day.

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