Tuesday 11 January 2011

Possible locations, actors and costumes

We found through research of our local area, and watching a past pupils media studies coursework that Lady Dixon Park would be the perfect location for our medias studies genre. It is a handy location as we all live quite close to this location, and it is a wide open space that leaves us with a lot of space to take a variety of shots. With regards to actors we have decided that it would be helpful to partner up with another group from our class that have chosen the same location so that we can shoot at the same time, resulting in both groups being able to swap resources such as actors. With regards to costume and make up we plan to use fake blood and dark make up in the latter of our scenes. Costume should not be a problem to get as we will be using clothes that we already have, however we are planning to use dark clothes for the lead character, to reflect his dark mood and to compliment the dark, eerie setting and plot.

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